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“The YAB is a great group of amazing youth adult from the ages 18-24. The YAB works on ending homelessness and coming together and working a lot to support each other. We have lots of training we going to conferences like Homes Within Reach and the National alliance ending homelessness. The YAB does a lot and I’m just proud to be part of the YAB. I love to help other that are in need.” – Anthony


If you have more questions about us check out the about us page, view our governance charter below, or reach out to us via email at:

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    ARTICLE 1. PURPOSE Section 1.1. Advocates 4 Change was established to uplift youth voice, seeking feedback and cross-sector coordination in planning, policymaking, program development, system performance monitoring, and budget planning for the Continuum of Care (CoC) of youth homeless services in Western and Eastern Pennsylvania.
    ARTICLE 2. MEMBERSHIP Section 2.1. Youth Action Board (YAB) shall be composed of no more than 20 representatives, membership must be representative of the geographic region. Section 2.2. Eligible members include individuals aged 16-25 who have lived experience with housing instability, homelessness, involvement with youth serving systems in Western Pennsylvania and or youth allies who are committed to our mission. Section 2.3. Youth Action Board members will be appointed after an interview with two members of the executive committee and at least one youth action board member. At that point, the interviewee’s responses will be shared with the YAB and a vote will take place to confirm or deny appointment onto the board. All referrals are welcome; however, active board members may not participate in the appointment process of their own referral. Section 2.4. Members of the Youth Action Board can join before their 25th birthday and serve as voting members for an additional two years. Former members can remain active as allies for an additional three years. Section 2.5. Vacancies: A YAB member's term shall automatically cease and a vacancy shall occur upon the occurrence of any one of the following conditions: ● A member voluntarily vacates ● A YAB member may be removed upon recommendation of the YAB and action by the for the following reasons: If a member fails to attend three (3) meetings of the Board in succession or more than 25% of all Board meetings without prior notification and approval of the Executive Committee. Other reasons which affect a member's service on the Board, such as conduct unbecoming of a youth representative or violation of the truths and values statements. Section 2.6. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as appointments for the Board. Section 2.7. To ensure diversity, the Youth Action Board will recruit new members by sharing available positions with all organizations serving unstably housed youth, or other youth serving systems in Western Pennsylvania and may be shared through other means identified by the YAB. Candidates with lived experience will be interviewed by two executive committee members at minimum and at least one youth action board member. See Section 2.3.
    ARTICLE 3. ELECTION OF Executive Committee Section 3.1. The Board shall elect, by a majority vote, from its membership; each Executive Committee shall hold office for their term, 1 year, of the Board and/or until a successor is elected. Election of the Executive Committee shall be held within 2 months of an officer leaving their position before the end of their service term. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be as follows: Two members will serve on the CoC Board One member will be the secretary - outlined below* Will be responsible for overseeing recruitment and onboarding The Committee will oversee the Boards social media accounts The Committee will oversee all voting Secretary - The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of all Board meetings and disburse the notes to the YAB within five (5) days. The Secretary may also perform other duties as ordinarily pertain to the office. *An officer may be removed from their position after a majority vote from the Board following a formal recommendation from one or more Board members.
    ARTICLE 4. YOUTH ACTION BOARD VOTING PROCEDURES Section 4.1. Advocates 4 Change will vote on all action steps during monthly meetings or via email. Action steps include: planning strategies, outreach decisions, YHDP implementation, and candidate selection. Section 4.2. Meeting attendance or an email response is necessary to cast board votes. Decisions will move forward with a consensus agenda and a quorum vote. Section 4.3. A quorum is 75%
    ARTICLE 5. MEETING PARTICIPATION Section 5.1. Members will adhere to and support the truths and values statements in board meetings and publicly represent the YAB. Section 5.4. Youth Action Board members will receive compensation for assigned meetings/community outreach. If a member is absent for a required meeting, that member will not be compensated.
    ARTICLE 6. CONFIDENTIALITY Section 6.1. All meetings, emails, and text messages pertaining to the are confidential and may not be shared with anyone outside of the YAB unless they are at risk of harming themselves or someone else. Confidentiality is imperative to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all members. Section 6.2. If confidentiality is violated it will result in one meeting suspension, and if continued can result in termination.
    ARTICLE 7. YHDP CORE TEAM Section 7.1. The YHDP core team shall communicate upcoming issues to the YAB, so they may respond accordingly.
    ARTICLE 8. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Section 8.1. The purpose of the YAB is to express the ideas of youth with lived experience pertaining to youth homelessness. Youth Action Board is determined fill the gap between the ● To assist in planning and promoting programs and services for youth. ● To educate and raise awareness of youth issues. ● To inspire positive action in the community. ● To provide a voice for youth in the community. ● To promote youth participation in community affairs. ● To act as an advocate for youth who are experiencing, have experienced homelessness, or another youth serving system. ● To review matters referred to by the CoC and community and, as appropriate, make recommendations on those matters. ● Make recommendations to the YHDP Core Team, Governing Board and Committees of the Board, Western Pa CoC and community providers pertaining to the composition, function and obligations of the Board.
    ARTICLE 9. BYLAWS AND OTHER RULES OF PROCEDURE Section 9.1. The YAB may promulgate bylaws or other regulations governing the procedure of the Board. No provision of the bylaws or policies and procedures shall be contrary to the provisions of this document or other applicable law. Section 9.2. Amendments to the bylaws may be recommended at any time by any YAB member; provided, however, that any such amendment shall be clearly set forth on the agenda and the membership has been notified in writing in advance. Upon the presentation of any recommendation for amendment, the issue shall be considered by the YAB and, if a majority of the YAB approves, the amendment will be added into the bylaws. Section 9.3. Enactment of the bylaws and other regulations and passage of any amendment to the same requires a two –thirds (2/3) majority vote of the YAB. Section 9.4. Youth Action Board Bylaws must be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis, before the 31st of January.
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